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ICD-10 Implementation Series, Part Seven: The Respiratory System

This webinar is AAPC-approved for 1.5 CEU that can be designated for Core A and/or CEDC, CANPC, CASCC, CCC, CCVTC, CEMC, CFPC, CGSC, CIMC, CPMA, CENTC, CPEDC, CHONC specialty credits provided you score a 70% or higher on the post test. Test takers should read all test instructions, and complete the Required Information fields at the top of the test. This test consists of 15 questions. Please select one best answer for each test question by clicking on the square next to the answer you have selected. This test is not timed; however, the test must be taken in one sitting. When all 15 questions have been answered, please click on the Submit Test button. Your score, as well as logic-reach reasoning for answers to any test questions that you missed, will be displayed immediately following completion and successful transmission of this test.

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The two main parts of the respiratory system are the:
A lack of what substance can cause the alveoli of the lung to collapse?
How many lobes are in the right lung?
The heart, great vessels, and esophagus lie in the space between the lungs called the:
An inflammation of the larynx that vibrates during inspiration causing a whooping sound is called:
Constriction of the bronchial airways, diffuse inflammation, hyper-reactivity, and airway remodeling are all components of:
The most common infective organism that affects the  respiratory tract and causes the common cold in adults 30 to 35% of the time is known as:
Localized destruction and irreversible dilation or widening of the large airways is called:
_____________ Pneumonitis is caused by the inhalation of foreign materials such as food, liquids, gastric secretions, or vomitus.
In ICD-10-CM when coding streptococcal sore throat, you must know whether sore throat pain is from the pharynx or the tonsils.
Chronic conditions of the lower respiratory tract include: acute sinusitis, common cold, and streptococcus.
Which statement about Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is true?
A low, grating sound that can be heard when pleural surfaces rub against each other is called:
Hemothorax is the collection of blood in the pleural cavity, with the most common cause being:
A sudden/spontaneous cessation of respiration that can be caused by airway obstruction, decreased ventilation effort, or weakness of respiratory muscles is called: