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ICD-10 Implementation Series, Part Six: The Hematologic and Lymphatic Systems

This webinar is AAPC-approved for 1.5 CEU and/or CEDC, CHONC, CPMA, CPCO specialty credits provided you score a 70% or higher on the post test. Test takers should read all test instructions, and complete the Required Information fields at the top of the test. This test consists of 15 questions. Please select one best answer for each test question by clicking on the square next to the answer you have selected. This test is not timed; however, the test must be taken in one sitting. When all 15 questions have been answered, please click on the Submit Test button. Your score, as well as logic-reach reasoning for answers to any test questions that you missed, will be displayed immediately following completion and successful transmission of this test.

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Interruption of blood flow or the cessation or arrest of bleeding is called:
Which two types of tissue produce blood cells?
Blood cells are formed by a process called:
What is the name of the clear to yellow fluid that flows through tissues in the body, the lymphatic system, and the bloodstream?
The large vessel that drains lymphatic fluid from the lymphatic vessels and trunk of the left side of the body, lower abdomen/pelvic area, and lower extremities is called the:
The immune disorder of unknown etiology that causes immune cells to form clusters called granulomas is know as:
The absence or presence of antigen A and antigen B determines the four blood types. Select the correct blood type if neither antigen is present:
Elevated levels of neutrophils may be indicative of:
_________________ is a protein produced by the liver that is essential to blood clot formation.
Removal and destruction of old/damaged red blood cells is one of the primary functions of the spleen.
Types of leukemia are classified by cell type or type of white cell affected as well as speed of progression, and how fast or slow abnormal cells multiply.
Which code must be assigned if septic shock is documented even if the term “severe sepsis” is not documented?
A deficiency in the blood whether in RBC, hemoglobin, or total blood count is called:
What disease is named for the crescent shaped deformity of red blood cells caused by defective hemoglobin?
In ICD-10-CM requires that the _________ be identified when coding for Lymphadenitis: