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ICD-10 Implementation Series, Part Ten: The Digestive System

This webinar is AAPC-approved for 1.5 CEU and/or Core A, CEDC, CANPC, CASCC, CEMC, CFPC specialty credits provided you score a 70% or higher on the post test. Test takers should read all test instructions, and complete the Required Information fields at the top of the test. This test consists of 15 questions. Please select one best answer for each test question by clicking on the square next to the answer you have selected. This test is not timed; however, the test must be taken in one sitting. When all 15 questions have been answered, please click on the Submit Test button. Your score, as well as logic-reach reasoning for answers to any test questions that you missed, will be displayed immediately following completion and successful transmission of this test.

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Which of the following are organs of digestion?
The digestive system carries out the process of digestion. Which of the following is not a function of the digestive system?
Among the structures found in the mouth or oral cavity, which play the most important roles in digestion?
Saliva is a mixture of water, mucus and _______________.
A bacterial infection in one of the salivary glands, usually due to obstruction or gland hyposecretion, is called:
The muscular contractions that propel food through the digestive tract are called:
Which organ is a muscular, bag-like structure that holds food and secretes digestive juices?
Localized areas of erosion in the mucosal lining that may lead to perforation are:
A yellowish-brown or green fluid that is secreted by the liver into the duodenum and is necessary for intestinal digestion is called:
Episode of care for injuries or external causes of mortality or morbidity of the digestive system are classified as initial, subsequent, or sequela.
The liver is one of the smallest organs in the body and is perfused from only the hepatic artery.
Diseases of the liver like fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis can be caused by the excessive consumption of:
The most common diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract are:
The ____________ is a gland organ. It is unique because it belongs to both the endocrine and digestive systems.
The presence of out-pockets in the mucosa of the intestines is called: